New open access article published in the journal Nature on Ancient African human DNA, including the oldest aDNA sequences from tropical Africa, bringing new insights into ancient hunter-gatherer-fisher communities from Eastern, Southern, and West-Central Africa.
Finding Bàrà: History at an Empire Town
African archaeology and the Diaspora: is a decolonised methodology possible?
The future of archaeology in Africa and the Diaspora. Africa Oxford Initiative, Globinar 5: Fieldwork in African archaeology and the Diaspora: is a decolonised methodology possible?
Beads Made from Ostrich Eggshells Reveal Oldest Known Social Network
Artifacts dating back 50,000 years help us better understand human connections.
Africa’s heritage is humanity’s – and it’s been overlooked for too long | Sada Mire
Issue 96 (December 2021 of Nyame Akuma available to members on SAfA Website
Issue 96 (Dec. 2021) of Nyame Akuma, Bulletin of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA), available to members on SAfA website:
Articles concerning archaeology in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Sudan, & Zanzibar.
"Honey-collecting in prehistoric West Africa from 3500 years ago"
Just published Open Access article in Nature Communications: "Honey-collecting in prehistoric West Africa from 3500 years ago"
"Grinding-stone features from the Pastoral Neolithic at Luxmanda, Tanzania"
Open Access Project Gallery article "Grinding-stone features from the Pastoral Neolithic at Luxmanda, Tanzania" in the journal Antiquity , Volume 95 , Issue 380 , April 2021 DOI:
"Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari"
"Archaeology in West Africa could rewrite the textbooks on human evolution"
The Kingdom of Aksum: Africa's trading empire
BBC The Forum program’s “The Kingdom of Aksum: Africa’s Trading Empire”
Genetic and Archaeological Research in Africa Shows Humans Were Drinking Milk Before They Could Digest It
Finding an Ancient Town: Discovery and Excavation of Beta Samati, Ethiopia
Reclaiming Great Zimbabwe’s past to learn lessons for the future
Article by archaeologist, Professor Shadreck Chirikure
Link to article at British Academy
New Issue (No. 94) of Nyame Akuma: Bulletin of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists
New articles concerning African archaeology in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sénégal, Sudan, and Tanzania in the latest issue of Nyame Akuma: Bulletin of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists (Issue 94). Available on the SAfA website:
Archaeologists and Cultural Heritage Experts and Advocates Distribute Open Letter About Violent Conflict and Heritage in Ethiopia
"How climate disruptions revolutionized ancient human toolmaking."
Story in Science Magazine concerning research from Kenya’s Koora & Olorgesailie Basins just published in Science Advances.